A Journey Through Time
The "History and Memories" project is aimed at students in the third and fourth grades of participating schools, offering a unique and engaging educational experience. The goals of the project are:
- The Exploration of Migrations. We deepen our understanding of the migrations of the 20th century, with a particular focus on the history of Sardinia and other involved regions. Students will explore the phenomenon of emigration from historical, socio-cultural, and economic perspectives.coinvolte. Gli studenti esploreranno il fenomeno dell'emigrazione sotto aspetti storici, socio-culturali ed economici.
- The Collection of Testimonials. Students will participate in a field research project that includes interviews and the collection of stories from Italians abroad, analyzing the migratory experience and the evolution of Italian culture in Canada, the United States, Australia, and Argentina.
- Multidisciplinary Skills. We promote the acquisition of cross-disciplinary skills through activities that stimulate the understanding of cultural and social diversity.
- Cultural Exchange. We create opportunities for students to engage with peers from different countries on historical and social topics, enriching their perspectives and developing critical thinking skills.
Fri.Sa.Li Schools. World
Thirteen educational institutions, from four regions
The “History and Memories” project was joined by member educational institutions in Fri.Sa.Li. World: Convitto Nazionale of Cagliari, Liceo Siotto of Cagliari, IIS “Satta” of Macomer, Liceo “Galilei” of Macomer, IIS “Pischedda” of Bosa, Convitto Nazionale of Cividale del Friuli, IIS “Malignani” of Udine, IIS “D’Aquileia” of Civiidale del Friuli, Liceo “Pertini” of Genoa, IIS “Bergese” of Genoa, Liceo “Amoretti” of Imperia, IIS “Montalcini” of Acqui Terme and IIS “Barletti” of Ovada.
The research mission
A project created in collaboration with the Senate
From an idea of the then chairman of the Senate Committee on the Library and Historical Archives, Gianni Marilotti, the Fri.Sa.Li. world project, funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, was born to entrust boys and girls engaged in study exchanges in Argentina, Australia, Canada and the United States with field research on the topic of Italian emigration in the 1900s.
Partner institutions
From the School of Italy in New York to Georgetown University in Washington, from FIU University in Boca Raton to the federal government of the State of Victoria in Australia, from the government of the Province of Cordoba and the Municipalities of Avellaneda of Santa Fe and Resistencia in Argentina to the school at Orca Education in Vancouver and the ILSC School in Montreal in Canada, to the Embassies and Consulates of Italy.